George Crook (2741) - BETA

Summary 2017-18

Current Points:
Monthly +/-
Season +/-
Wins / Losses
68 / 72
Last Match:
2323 days ago
Best Win:
Highest Winning Streak:



Playing Hand:
Playing Style:


Season History
Season Start End Change
2016-17 1345 1705 360
2017-18 1534 2082 548
2018-19 1874 1996 122
2019-20 1996 2087 91
2020-21 2087 2087 0
2021-22 2087 2087 0
2022-23 2087 2087 0
2023-24 2087 2087 0
2024-25 2087 2087 0
* click season to view previous season archive
Monthly Points Change
Best 8 wins
Opponent Event Date Result Ranking  
Andrew Clark (2693) Preston\Winter 2017-18 WIN 1754 25
Paul Gawne (2356) Blackpool\Blackpool And District Table Tennis League 2017-18 WIN 1594 25
Sylvia Graham (2290) Southport\Winter 2017-18 WIN 1534 25
Adam Soar (2320) Preston\Winter 2017-18 WIN 1652 25
Preston\Winter 2017-18 WIN 1704 25
Graham Procter (2381) Preston\Winter 2017-18 WIN 1754 25
Nicholas Miller (2381) Preston\Winter 2017-18 WIN 1754 25
Roger Neal (2166) Southport\Winter 2017-18 WIN 1620 25
Worst Loss :-(
Opponent Event Date Result Ranking  
Nicholas Wilson (1659) Southport\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 1982 -8
Full Season History
Opponent Event Date Result Ranking  
Adam Linton (2551) Preston\Summer 2018 R3 WIN 2063 20
Martin Shaw (2391) Preston\Summer 2018 R3 LOSS 2063 0
Oliver Garmston (2358) Preston\Summer 2018 R3 LOSS 2063 -1
Daniel Johnston (2406) Preston\Summer 2018 R3 LOSS 2063 0
Brian Oldfield (2580) Preston\Summer 2018 R3 LOSS 2063 0
Anthony Kendall (2506) Preston\Summer 2018 R3 LOSS 2063 0
Paul Lunan (1875) Preston\Summer 2018 R3 WIN 2047 2
Bernhard Frank (2307) Preston\Summer 2018 R3 WIN 2047 11
Les Dodd (1908) Preston\Summer 2018 R3 WIN 2047 3
Josh Lumb (2200) Preston\Summer 2018 R2 WIN 2039 9
Dean Walmsley (2495) Preston\Summer 2018 R2 LOSS 2039 0
Ognian Kostov (2210) Preston\Summer 2018 R2 LOSS 2039 -1
Adam Linton (2545) Preston\Summer 2018 R2 LOSS 2039 0
Martin Shaw (2383) Preston\Summer 2018 R2 LOSS 2039 0
Oliver Garmston (2342) Preston\Summer 2018 R2 LOSS 2039 0
Paul Penny (2253) Preston\Summer 2018 R2 WIN 2028 11
Daniel Johnston (2418) Preston\Summer 2018 R2 LOSS 2028 0
Brian Oldfield (2586) Preston\Summer 2018 R2 LOSS 2028 0
Michael Armishaw (2185) Preston\Summer 2018 R2 LOSS 2031 -1
David Gott (2280) Preston\Summer 2018 R2 LOSS 2031 -1
Matthew Westworth (2269) Preston\Summer 2018 R2 LOSS 2031 -1
Slawomir Walewski (1895) Preston\Summer 2018 R2 WIN 2014 3
Denise Sirvinskas (2048) Preston\Summer 2018 R2 WIN 2014 5
Mark Gleave (2197) Preston\Summer 2018 R2 WIN 2014 9
Angus Taylor (1776) Southport\Winter 2017-18 WIN 2009 2
Les Dodd (1890) Southport\Winter 2017-18 WIN 2009 3
Darren Taylor (2118) Southport\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 2010 -1
Matthew Wilson (2497) Southport\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 2010 0
Blackpool\Blackpool And District Table Tennis League 2017-18 WIN 2006 1
Blackpool\Blackpool And District Table Tennis League 2017-18 WIN 2006 1
Tony Johnstone (1812) Blackpool\Blackpool And District Table Tennis League 2017-18 WIN 2006 2
William Russell (2477) Preston\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 2007 0
Charles Musa (2740) Preston\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 2007 0
Chris Naylor (2303) Preston\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 2007 -1
William Russell (2478) Preston\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 2008 0
Chris Naylor (2302) Preston\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 2008 -1
Charles Musa (2737) Preston\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 2008 0
Ted Cramsie (2001) Southport\Winter 2017-18 WIN 2004 4
Julian Quirk (2490) Southport\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 2004 0
Keiron Beswick (2558) Blackpool\Blackpool And District Table Tennis League 2017-18 LOSS 1978 0
Glen Phoenix (2303) Blackpool\Blackpool And District Table Tennis League 2017-18 WIN 1978 15
John Lynch (2234) Blackpool\Blackpool And District Table Tennis League 2017-18 WIN 1978 11
Paul Penny (2245) Preston\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 1972 -1
Daniel Johnston (2397) Preston\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 1972 0
Adam Oldfield (2102) Preston\Winter 2017-18 WIN 1972 7
francois rafferty (2005) Southport\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 1974 -2
Rhys Davies (2878) Southport\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 1974 0
Nicholas Wilson (1659) Southport\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 1982 -8
Joseph Howard (2431) Southport\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 1982 0
Mark Barnes (1085) Southport\Winter 2017-18 WIN 1981 1
Bernhard Frank (2294) Southport\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 1981 0
Gerard Wilson (1754) Southport\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 1978 -6
Roger Neal (2131) Southport\Winter 2017-18 WIN 1978 9
Ronald Bennett (2438) Blackpool\Blackpool And District Table Tennis League 2017-18 WIN 1948 20
Christopher Nebard (2193) Blackpool\Blackpool And District Table Tennis League 2017-18 WIN 1948 11
Philip Robinson (2145) Blackpool\Blackpool And District Table Tennis League 2017-18 LOSS 1948 -1
Ronnie Carroll (1558) Blackpool\Blackpool And District Table Tennis League 2017-18 WIN 1942 1
Tamar Packford (1610) Blackpool\Blackpool And District Table Tennis League 2017-18 WIN 1942 1
Tim Young (1906) Blackpool\Blackpool And District Table Tennis League 2017-18 WIN 1942 4
francois rafferty (1996) Southport\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 1944 -2
Rhys Davies (2881) Southport\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 1944 0
John Porter (2569) Preston\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 1944 0
Adam Linton (2536) Preston\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 1944 0
Jack Moody (2388) Preston\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 1944 0
Paul Gawne (2384) Blackpool\Blackpool And District Table Tennis League 2017-18 WIN 1920 20
Blackpool\Blackpool And District Table Tennis League 2017-18 WIN 1920 1
Bruce Adamson (1776) Blackpool\Blackpool And District Table Tennis League 2017-18 WIN 1920 3
Martin Shaw (2359) Preston\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 1920 0
Liam Bedford (2433) Preston\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 1920 0
Christopher Spedding (2522) Preston\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 1920 0
Tony Bramham (857) Southport\Winter 2017-18 WIN 1919 1
Stefan Schober Thomson (2245) Southport\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 1919 0
Blackpool\Blackpool And District Table Tennis League 2017-18 WIN 1914 1
Blackpool\Blackpool And District Table Tennis League 2017-18 WIN 1914 1
Tony Johnstone (1765) Blackpool\Blackpool And District Table Tennis League 2017-18 WIN 1914 3
Blackpool\Blackpool And District Table Tennis League 2017-18 WIN 1892 2
John Lynch (2242) Blackpool\Blackpool And District Table Tennis League 2017-18 WIN 1892 15
Roy Honeyman (1918) Blackpool\Blackpool And District Table Tennis League 2017-18 WIN 1892 5
Michael Stewart (2192) Southport\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 1893 -1
Matthew Wilson (2433) Southport\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 1893 0
Blackpool\Blackpool And District Table Tennis League 2017-18 WIN 1890 1
David Hill (1558) Blackpool\Blackpool And District Table Tennis League 2017-18 WIN 1890 1
Brian Carter (1380) Blackpool\Blackpool And District Table Tennis League 2017-18 WIN 1890 1
Blackpool\Blackpool And District Table Tennis League 2017-18 WIN 1879 1
Lee Nelson (1992) Blackpool\Blackpool And District Table Tennis League 2017-18 WIN 1879 7
Alan Garforth (1761) Blackpool\Blackpool And District Table Tennis League 2017-18 WIN 1879 3
James Garbett (1612) Blackpool\Blackpool And District Table Tennis League 2017-18 WIN 1866 2
Daniel Jackson (1704) Blackpool\Blackpool And District Table Tennis League 2017-18 WIN 1866 2
Blackpool\Blackpool And District Table Tennis League 2017-18 WIN 1866 9
Nedim Hassan (1894) Southport\Winter 2017-18 WIN 1861 5
Julian Quirk (2506) Southport\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 1861 0
Mark Davies (1886) Southport\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 1863 -2
Rhys Davies (2824) Southport\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 1863 0
Barry Hodson (1996) Preston\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 1829 -1
Barry Mason (2244) Preston\Winter 2017-18 WIN 1829 20
Kevin Winstanley (2187) Preston\Winter 2017-18 WIN 1829 15
Phil Crankshaw (2606) Blackpool\Blackpool And District Table Tennis League 2017-18 LOSS 1829 0
Martin Ireland (2447) Blackpool\Blackpool And District Table Tennis League 2017-18 LOSS 1829 0
Brian Oldfield (2578) Blackpool\Blackpool And District Table Tennis League 2017-18 LOSS 1829 0
Nicholas Miller (2381) Preston\Winter 2017-18 WIN 1754 25
Graham Procter (2381) Preston\Winter 2017-18 WIN 1754 25
Andrew Clark (2693) Preston\Winter 2017-18 WIN 1754 25
Nicholas Wilson (1534) Southport\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 1760 -6
Andrew Clark (2691) Southport\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 1760 0
Clive Appleby (2478) Blackpool\Blackpool And District Table Tennis League 2017-18 LOSS 1740 0
Philip Robinson (2157) Blackpool\Blackpool And District Table Tennis League 2017-18 WIN 1740 20
Ronald Bennett (2421) Blackpool\Blackpool And District Table Tennis League 2017-18 LOSS 1740 0
Alan Nolan (1191) Southport\Winter 2017-18 WIN 1739 1
Miroslav Veliký (2207) Southport\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 1739 0
Monica Coogan (1433) Southport\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 1740 -8
Michael McCormack (1867) Southport\Winter 2017-18 WIN 1740 7
Adam Oldfield (1924) Preston\Winter 2017-18 WIN 1704 11
Preston\Winter 2017-18 WIN 1704 25
Brian Oldfield (2568) Preston\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 1704 0
Tim Young (1829) Blackpool\Blackpool And District Table Tennis League 2017-18 LOSS 1702 -1
Blackpool\Blackpool And District Table Tennis League 2017-18 LOSS 1702 0
Tamar Packford (1577) Blackpool\Blackpool And District Table Tennis League 2017-18 WIN 1702 3
Michael Armishaw (2159) Preston\Winter 2017-18 WIN 1652 25
Matthew Fields (2566) Preston\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 1652 0
Adam Soar (2320) Preston\Winter 2017-18 WIN 1652 25
Gerard Wilson (1730) Southport\Winter 2017-18 WIN 1620 7
Roger Neal (2166) Southport\Winter 2017-18 WIN 1620 25
Paul Gawne (2356) Blackpool\Blackpool And District Table Tennis League 2017-18 WIN 1594 25
Bruce Adamson (1784) Blackpool\Blackpool And District Table Tennis League 2017-18 LOSS 1594 -1
Blackpool\Blackpool And District Table Tennis League 2017-18 WIN 1594 2
Malcolm Kent (2026) Southport\Winter 2017-18 WIN 1574 20
Barry Davis (2387) Southport\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 1574 0
Peter Ashley (1781) Southport\Winter 2017-18 WIN 1564 11
Mark Davies (1854) Southport\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 1564 -1
John Porter (2529) Preston\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 1564 0
Toby Ellis (1971) Preston\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 1564 0
Adam Linton (2494) Preston\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 1564 0
Blackpool\Blackpool And District Table Tennis League 2017-18 WIN 1559 2
Blackpool\Blackpool And District Table Tennis League 2017-18 WIN 1559 2
Blackpool\Blackpool And District Table Tennis League 2017-18 WIN 1559 1
Matthew Nettleton (2380) Preston\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 1559 0
Martin Shaw (2371) Preston\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 1559 0
Christopher Spedding (2501) Preston\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 1559 0
Sylvia Graham (2290) Southport\Winter 2017-18 WIN 1534 25
Jack Dempsey (3015) Southport\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 1534 0