Rodney Farquharson (5518) - BETA

Summary 2015-16

Current Points:
Monthly +/-
Season +/-
Wins / Losses
53 / 60
Last Match:
21 days ago
Best Win:
Highest Winning Streak:


South East


Playing Hand:
Playing Style:


Season History
Season Start End Change
2015-16 3009 3080 71
2016-17 2772 2759 -13
2017-18 2483 2588 105
2018-19 2329 2431 102
2019-20 2431 2431 0
2020-21 2431 2431 0
2021-22 2431 2409 -22
2022-23 2409 2382 -27
2023-24 2382 2343 -39
2024-25 2343 2343 0
* click season to view previous season archive
Monthly Points Change
Best 8 wins
Opponent Event Date Result Ranking  
Dave Randerson (3361) BritishLeague\Veteran Mens 2015-16 WIN 3063 28
Boguslaw Okonek (3225) VETTS Southern Masters Championships 2016 Men's and Women's over 40 singles WIN 3074 26
BritishLeague\Seniors 2015-16 WIN 3077 21
BritishLeague\Seniors 2015-16 WIN 3041 18
Neil Hough (3117) BritishLeague\Veteran Mens 2015-16 WIN 3001 18
Andrew Portlock (3124) BritishLeague\Veteran Mens 2015-16 WIN 3033 14
Ian Denton (3061) BritishLeague\Veteran Mens 2015-16 WIN 3001 14
BritishLeague\Seniors 2015-16 WIN 3055 11
Worst Loss :-(
Opponent Event Date Result Ranking  
Geoff Grange (2765) VETTS Southern Masters Championships 2016 Men's and Women's over 40 singles LOSS 3074 -24
Full Season History
Opponent Event Date Result Ranking  
Jiahao Cui (2542) CentralLondon\Winter 2024-25 LOSS 2343 -1
Romayne Stewart (2249) CentralLondon\Winter 2024-25 LOSS 2343 -3
Christopher Lewis (2708) CentralLondon\Winter 2024-25 LOSS 2343 0
Topspin Fusion 2*- Veterans singles LOSS 3082 -2
Clive Carthy (3481) Topspin Fusion 2*- Veterans singles LOSS 3082 -1
Topspin Fusion 2*- Veterans singles WIN 3082 1
Peter Bannister (2814) Topspin Fusion 2* - Senior LOSS 3096 -18
Topspin Fusion 2* - Senior LOSS 3096 -2
Topspin Fusion 2* - Senior WIN 3096 1
Steve Pound (2988) Topspin Fusion 2* - Senior WIN 3096 8
Topspin Fusion 2* - Senior LOSS 3096 -2
David Ramsey (2539) Topspin Fusion 2* - Senior WIN 3096 1
Antony Constantinou (3357) Topspin Fusion 2* - Senior LOSS 3096 -2
George Hazell (3573) BritishLeague\Seniors 2015-16 LOSS 3100 0
BritishLeague\Seniors 2015-16 LOSS 3100 -4
BritishLeague\Seniors 2015-16 WIN 3100 4
BritishLeague\Seniors 2015-16 LOSS 3100 -4
BritishLeague\Seniors 2015-16 LOSS 3106 -4
BritishLeague\Seniors 2015-16 LOSS 3106 -2
BritishLeague\Seniors 2015-16 WIN 3098 4
Tony Stead (2848) BritishLeague\Seniors 2015-16 WIN 3098 4
Rebecca George (3188) CrawleyAndHorsham\Central 2015 - 16 WIN 3089 6
CrawleyAndHorsham\Central 2015 - 16 LOSS 3089 0
CrawleyAndHorsham\Central 2015 - 16 WIN 3089 3
Gary Pells (2726) CrawleyAndHorsham\Central 2015 - 16 WIN 3083 1
Nick Smith (2595) CrawleyAndHorsham\Central 2015 - 16 WIN 3083 1
CrawleyAndHorsham\Central 2015 - 16 WIN 3083 4
CrawleyAndHorsham\Central 2015 - 16 WIN 3075 1
Graham Green (2930) CrawleyAndHorsham\Central 2015 - 16 WIN 3075 3
John Callcut (3031) CrawleyAndHorsham\Central 2015 - 16 WIN 3075 4
Keith McConnell (2930) County Championships - Veteran LOSS 3087 -13
Colin Luscombe (2920) County Championships - Veteran WIN 3087 5
Gary Morgan (3085) County Championships - Veteran LOSS 3087 -5
Andrew Walker (2599) County Championships - Veteran WIN 3087 1
CrawleyAndHorsham\Central 2015 - 16 LOSS 3088 0
CrawleyAndHorsham\Central 2015 - 16 LOSS 3088 0
CrawleyAndHorsham\Central 2015 - 16 LOSS 3088 -1
Stuart Brooks (2767) CrawleyAndHorsham\Central 2015 - 16 WIN 3086 1
CrawleyAndHorsham\Central 2015 - 16 WIN 3086 1
CrawleyAndHorsham\Central 2015 - 16 LOSS 3086 -1
CrawleyAndHorsham\Central 2015 - 16 WIN 3086 2
Sally Hughes (3231) CrawleyAndHorsham\Central 2015 - 16 LOSS 3086 -1
CrawleyAndHorsham\Central 2015 - 16 WIN 3079 2
Graham Barnes (3025) CrawleyAndHorsham\Central 2015 - 16 WIN 3079 3
CrawleyAndHorsham\Central 2015 - 16 WIN 3079 2
Geoff Grange (2765) VETTS Southern Masters Championships 2016 Men's and Women's over 40 singles LOSS 3074 -24
VETTS Southern Masters Championships 2016 Men's and Women's over 40 singles WIN 3074 3
Boguslaw Okonek (3225) VETTS Southern Masters Championships 2016 Men's and Women's over 40 singles WIN 3074 26
VETTS Southern Masters Championships 2016 Men's and Women's over 40 singles WIN 3074 1
VETTS Southern Masters Championships 2016 Men's and Women's over 40 singles LOSS 3074 -2
Brian Allison (2555) VETTS Southern Masters Championships 2016 Men's and Women's over 40 singles WIN 3074 1
Stephen Horton (3558) VETTS Southern Masters Championships 2016 Men's and Women's over 40 singles LOSS 3074 0
Michael Robinson (2980) CrawleyAndHorsham\Central 2015 - 16 WIN 3069 3
Richard Caddy (2408) CrawleyAndHorsham\Central 2015 - 16 WIN 3069 1
Richard Steel (2602) CrawleyAndHorsham\Central 2015 - 16 WIN 3069 1
Graham Carter (2871) CrawleyAndHorsham\Central 2015 - 16 WIN 3064 2
Michael Bridger (2903) CrawleyAndHorsham\Central 2015 - 16 WIN 3064 2
CrawleyAndHorsham\Central 2015 - 16 WIN 3064 1
County Championships - Veteran Division LOSS 3065 -2
Nigel Metcalfe (2970) County Championships - Veteran Division WIN 3065 8
Andy LeButt (2959) County Championships - Veteran Division LOSS 3065 -10
David Grundy (3046) County Championships - Veteran Division WIN 3065 10
John Collymore (3115) County Championships - Veteran Division LOSS 3065 -4
Chris Hewitt (3228) County Championships - Veteran Division LOSS 3065 -3
Sally Hughes (3227) CrawleyAndHorsham\Central 2015 - 16 LOSS 3077 -1
CrawleyAndHorsham\Central 2015 - 16 LOSS 3077 -5
CrawleyAndHorsham\Central 2015 - 16 LOSS 3077 -6
David Roberts (3100) BritishLeague\Veteran Mens 2015-16 LOSS 3095 -5
David John Greaves (2922) BritishLeague\Veteran Mens 2015-16 LOSS 3095 -13
Dave Bowles (2987) BritishLeague\Veteran Mens 2015-16 WIN 3089 6
Kevin Caldon (3597) BritishLeague\Veteran Mens 2015-16 LOSS 3089 0
Nick Ryder (3300) BritishLeague\Veteran Mens 2015-16 LOSS 3063 -2
Dave Randerson (3361) BritishLeague\Veteran Mens 2015-16 WIN 3063 28
BritishLeague\Veteran Mens 2015-16 LOSS 3083 -20
Martin Adams (3587) BritishLeague\Veteran Mens 2015-16 LOSS 3083 0
Neil Hough (3193) BritishLeague\Veteran Mens 2015-16 LOSS 3089 -4
Paul Myatt (3346) BritishLeague\Veteran Mens 2015-16 LOSS 3089 -2
Gary Pells (2713) CrawleyAndHorsham\Central 2015 - 16 WIN 3094 1
CrawleyAndHorsham\Central 2015 - 16 LOSS 3094 -8
CrawleyAndHorsham\Central 2015 - 16 WIN 3094 2
Dmitry Khakhamov (3215) BritishLeague\Seniors 2015-16 LOSS 3077 -4
BritishLeague\Seniors 2015-16 WIN 3077 21
Matthew Spero (3399) BritishLeague\Seniors 2015-16 LOSS 3072 -1
Christopher Penrose (2949) BritishLeague\Seniors 2015-16 WIN 3072 6
CrawleyAndHorsham\Central 2015 - 16 LOSS 3075 -2
CrawleyAndHorsham\Central 2015 - 16 LOSS 3075 -1
Marc Burman (3406) CrawleyAndHorsham\Central 2015 - 16 LOSS 3075 0
Dov Katz (3054) County Championships - Veteran LOSS 3070 -5
Jeremy Banks (3156) County Championships - Veteran LOSS 3070 -4
Keith Fung (2963) County Championships - Veteran WIN 3070 6
Paul Martindill (2972) County Championships - Veteran WIN 3070 8
BritishLeague\Seniors 2015-16 WIN 3055 11
Daniel Lucking (2851) BritishLeague\Seniors 2015-16 WIN 3055 4
BritishLeague\Seniors 2015-16 LOSS 3041 -4
BritishLeague\Seniors 2015-16 WIN 3041 18
BritishLeague\Seniors 2015-16 LOSS 3052 -1
Ian Black (2946) BritishLeague\Seniors 2015-16 LOSS 3052 -10
BritishLeague\Seniors 2015-16 LOSS 3061 -5
BritishLeague\Seniors 2015-16 LOSS 3061 -4
Rebecca George (3079) BritishLeague\Seniors 2015-16 WIN 3046 11
Shae Thakker (2751) BritishLeague\Seniors 2015-16 WIN 3046 4
BritishLeague\Seniors 2015-16 LOSS 3041 -4
BritishLeague\Seniors 2015-16 WIN 3041 9
Martin Adams (3548) BritishLeague\Veteran Mens 2015-16 LOSS 3038 0
BritishLeague\Veteran Mens 2015-16 WIN 3038 3
Nick Ryder (3218) BritishLeague\Veteran Mens 2015-16 LOSS 3043 -3
Dave Randerson (3299) BritishLeague\Veteran Mens 2015-16 LOSS 3043 -2
BritishLeague\Veteran Mens 2015-16 LOSS 3033 -4
Andrew Portlock (3124) BritishLeague\Veteran Mens 2015-16 WIN 3033 14
Neil Hough (3117) BritishLeague\Veteran Mens 2015-16 WIN 3001 18
Ian Denton (3061) BritishLeague\Veteran Mens 2015-16 WIN 3001 14
Kevin Caldon (3538) BritishLeague\Veteran Mens 2015-16 LOSS 3009 0
Dave Bowles (2926) BritishLeague\Veteran Mens 2015-16 LOSS 3009 -8